
What is Counselling?

When people begin counselling, it is often because they want something to be different in their lives. Intake might take one session, but it also might take a few - I will take my time getting to know you and discussing what changes you would like to work toward in counselling. Counsellors are trained in many different theories and techniques to create change and I will suggest tools and therapies we might use to address your concerns.

A lot of the change that can happen in a counselling relationship occurs because of the relationship itself. My main focus is building a safe and trusting relationship with my clients. My training focused mainly on interpersonal, trauma-informed (more about trauma here), and attachment-oriented theories. This means that relationships are central (our relationship, your relationships with important people in your life, your caregivers, etc.). We have evolved to be social creatures, and relationships are a fundamental part of our existence. Through a safe and trusting relationship with a therapist, we can experiment with new ways of understanding ourselves and the world and of interacting within it. Counsellors are also trained to listen, and to question and reflect back what we notice. This allows you to gain a better understanding of your own experience. In this way, we can help you clarify your struggles, needs, and desires and understand your past and present.

My Value of Agency

I believe that we always have choices, although they are absolutely limited by systemic factors. I respect everyone’s ability to choose their own direction for their life. My background working with horses in a therapeutic riding program and working to support people with diverse abilities both physically and cognitively has taught me the power of agency. Given the right tools and supports, as well as patience, consistency, and trust, people can achieve amazing things. My style of therapy is often longer-term with an emphasis on forming a trusting relationship in which clients can experience what it is like to be truly listened to and responded to in a consistently supportive way.


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I believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves. Counsellors can act as guides to help people learn the skills to tolerate distress and overcome challenges. We can also help people to explore different parts of themselves in order to grow and accomplish their goals.